
    立卫贸易(上海)有限公司泉州分公司处是Accolade Group 加拿大公司在中国福建泉州设立的办事处,2013年12份成立,主要负责该品牌旗下的运动,休闲,NBA,NHL等授权产品的服装采购和品质把控。 Since 1996, Levelwear has been a leading provider of athletic-inspired apparel headwear, with a focus on unique, luxurious fabrics decorations, that are styled to suit today’s demanding customer needs. We understthat customers have many choices we have put a lot of consideration into the designs programs that we offer. This year’s collection represents the results of an extensive design process with more new styles, fabrics, colors than ever before. While we do not claim to be the most fashion-forward most technical of lines in the market today, all of our garments are designed with the discerning customers needs in mind. Things like lighter weight fabrics, more freedom of movement, performance features attractive styling are all considered in every garment we produce. We pride ourselves on having a knowledgeable sales service team strive fthe highest levels of quality service in everything that we do. Specializing in better green-grass golf shops, along with events, outings, corporate sales licensed sports, we encourage you to use Levelwear fyour future apparel headwear needs. Welcome to visit our website                                                                            

    公司网址: 会计一名


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